A New PC
I got a new laptop today. Well, truthfully, I bought it a few days ago on Amazon. I had to wait for it to come by UPS, but I am a Prime customer, so I got two day free shipping. It wasn't an agonizing wait or anything. I mean, come one, I'm surrounded by devices that will do most of what I want. Just the same it was time to get a new PC.
My old laptop is a five-year-old Azus netbook. I liked it a lot, but it had some problems that I just couldn't solve. For example, I couldn't install most software. It would go all the way to the last few seconds and stall. I scanned the Internet for solutions and tried hundreds of things, but nothing solved the problem. I was getting tired of not being able to do things I wanted like print, sync my BodyMedia Link, or use DragonSpeak, so I asked for a new laptop for my birthday. I chose the same computer that we bought for Rachel a while back. It is a Dell Inspiron 15. I don't need a lot of fancy stuff like my boys do. Their laptops cost nearly $1,000 each because the wanted "gaming computers". I'll just use mine for email, writing, surfing the Internet, and social media. I paid about $300 for mine. It'll do. So here I sit getting acquainted with the new laptop. I had to get some of my favorite stuff on it, like Evernote. I am writing this bog in an Evernote note that I will automatically post to my blog by marking it "published". I also installed OpenOffice. It is an open source software suite that does everything Microsoft Office does. In fact, it creates files that are totally compatible with Microsoft Office. Finally, I installed BodyMedia Sync so I can finally deal with my device without having to borrow Rachel's computer. (Remember, I told you that I wasn't able to install anything on my old netbook.) There are some other things I want to do now, but I am a little nervous. I would like to get all of my personal files off of the old laptop, but I am afraid that I might bring some bad files with me. Something has to be causing the problems on that one. None of my antivirus software ever found anything, though. It does make me a little nervous. I have an external hard drive which I might use to just copy all the old stuff. But, there is some stuff I want to have handy on the new laptop. I guess I need to spend some time just going through it all. This laptop will take some getting used to. It has one of those touch pads that does all kinds of different actions. Right now, I keep making things happen that I don't want to happen. It is sooooo sensitive, and I am not very good with a touch pad to begin with. One false move and something weird happens. On top of that, this laptop has Windows 8. I don't always know how to undo what I Do. All in good time. I'll get the hang of it. Until then, it is going to be a bit bumpy.