I want to hug you...

I started to make a list of the people I couldn't wait to hug when this crap is over. It was really starting to grow into a pretty long list. Your were probably on it. Don't worry, my wrists got kind of sore, and I was so tired of typing that I might have stopped before I got to you.
It suddenly occurred to me that I want to hug everyone I see the second they say I can. And, people, believe me when I say I've never been a hugger. In fact, I always secretly cringe inside when someone hugs me. But, there's just a thing about being without something that always makes me crave it. I know... something is seriously wrong with me.
So here's a warning for all of you. I might just grab you in a big old bear hug when I see you after the lock-down. I'll probably be crying like a baby and be all snotty and shit. All you'll need to do is hug me back and gently pat me on the head and tell me it is okay.