My "not so" Bright Idea
Today, I am going to take a break from writing the fascinating short anecdotes from my amazingly interesting life. Don't worry, dear readers. I have tons more of those delectable tales to share. Now, however, I want to gripe about something that has been bugging the hell out of me for quite a while now. Today's subject is transitional lenses, the ones that turn dark in the sun.
Freeze! Don't you dare click that back button! I have something to say, and you need to hear it. Transitional lenses are a huge rip off. I spent extra money to have them on a pair of glasses several years back. I thought they would be fantastic. No more switching back and forth between my regular glasses and my sun glasses. But, when I needed them most, behind the wheel of my car, they didn't do a blessed thing! I still had to take off my glasses and put my sunglasses (which were no longer my correct prescription) on while driving. Had I known they wouldn't work in the car, I wouldn't have spent the extra money. I would have gotten a new pair of prescription sunglasses. I don't have money to waste. I don't usually wear sunglasses except to drive. Besides, I don't really want to be one of those people who stop in the doorway with their hands out in front of them like blind people, waiting for their lenses to lighten up. Now, I doubt that I am the only person who has felt this disappointment with transitional lenses. There simply have to be others who have bought them only to feel cheated the first time they sit in their cars. What I don't understand is why the situation persists. Why hasn't someone done something about it. Now, I'm no scientist. I don't claim to understand the physics involved. However, I was told by my very bright oldest son that the lenses react to ultraviolet light. Evidently, windshields on modern vehicles have some way of blocking the ultraviolet rays of the sun. I guess that is a good thing for the most part. I wouldn't want to fry myself while driving long distances, but maybe they could let enough through to activate the lenses? So, here is my solution to the problem. If you are a scientist, or know one, you are welcome to run with my idea and get filthy stinking rich. I don't want anything out of it but something to make transitional lenses work when I drive. I think there must be some way to develop a device that clips onto my sun visor. When I am wanting dark lenses, I would turn it on. It would emit just enough UV rays to make the lenses do their thing. It makes a lot of sense to me, so maybe someone will read this and invent it. Then again, my idea may be totally ridiculous. One thing I can guarantee you. If I can't have "in car" transitional lenses, I will be buying prescription sunglasses. I will never wear a pair of those awful sunglasses that you wear over your regular glasses like some mutant swimming mask. (Sorry Mom and Dad!) Nope... That's not going to happen.